Friday, February 24, 2012

YES. I LOVE SIX FLAGS GET A SEASON PASS, ITS GREAT. I PREFER HOLIDAY WORLD IN SANTA CLAUSE INDIANA. YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT.|||If it's a "separate gate" park (like the one in NJ or CA), then you cannot use your Six Flags season pass - you would have to get another pass for Hurricane Harbor. If it's a Hurricane Harbor that is attached to the Six Flags amusement park and there's no separate entrance free (like the park in MD), then you can use your Six Flags pass since you have to enter Six Flags to even get to the waterpark.

So basically if it's a "separate gate" watermark, then you need to purchase separate admission/pass. If it's connected to the park and there's no "extra" entrance fee for that watermark, then you will be allowed to go in with the pass.|||No, not really. The only season pass that gets you into both parks is the Combo Pass. The regular season pass only gets you in the six flags theme parks, NOT the water parks. If you want to go to the water park, you will need a separate pass if the water park has separate admission.|||Yes, a season pass gets you access to both parks season long, and the special season pass holders day, where only season pass holders can go.


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