Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kids just wear bathing suits, but I'm in my last year of college. Do I just wear a bathing suit and frump around all day scantily clothed?

It's been a looong time since I've gone to Wild Rivers, and I'm going today. I just realized I'm not sure what the proper attire for someone my age is. If somebody could answer quickly, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!|||swimming trunks|||just a bathing suit, anything you wear is gunna get soaked and clothes will just weigh you down in the water and take a long time to dry

you can wear flip flops too but you will have to take them off and hold them on a lot of the rides

water shoes are good but really dorky looking

i know at hurricane harbor they have lockers you can rent to keep clothes in but of course you have to pay. anything else you wear you have to wear on the ride, and stay away from jeans or any clothes with like those little metal grommets b/c they aren't allowed- they damage the slides

but yeah basically just a bathing suit|||Well I'm not sure if you're male or female so I guess I'll give suggestions for both.

Female: Wear your bikini with shorts and a camisole over top. Bring a backpack or large purse that you can cram your clothes into when you don't want to wear them. That way you can cover up when you are done swimming.

Male: Swim trunks and a t-shirt.|||Just wear a bathing suit, if you`re not comfortable with that wear a bathing suit under a pair of shorts and tank top. Most people, young and old, walk around in just a bathing suit.|||How old are you? A bathing suit is proper for everyone at the water park. Make sure you wear water shoes, the cement you have to walk on when waiting in lines gets very hot!|||Id wear a bathingsuit, but afterwards put on cute jean shorts, or a nice bathingsuit coverup :)|||just wear your bathing suit, if you dont want to, wear a tank top and some shorts over the bathing suit|||Male: Swimming Shorts
Female: Bikini|||Water wings.|||bathing suit, or nothing.

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